Clinical endpoints
These endpoint and control definitions are work of Tuomo Kiiskinen, Sami Koskelainen, Susanna Lemmelä, Elisa Lahtela, Aki S. Havulinna, the FinnGen clinical expert groups and others at FIMM and THL. Use freely but if used extensively, please mention the source. This is still work in progress and comments can be sent to
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Current endpoint and control definitions:
FinnGen core and non-core endpoints and controls DF12
endpoints – file format description
Changelog DF12_DF11_endpoints and controls
Previous endpoint and control definitions:
Here you can find the previous endpoint and control definitions used for Data Freezes 2 - 11:
FinnGen core and non-core endpoints and controls DF11
endpoints – file format description
Changelog DF11_DF10_endpoints and controls
FinnGen core and non-core endpoints and controls DF10
endpoints – file format description
Changelog DF10_DF9_endpoints and controls
FinnGen core and non-core endpoints and controls DF9
endpoints – file format description
Changelog DF9_DF8_endpoints and controls
FinnGen core and non-core endpoints and controls DF8
endpoints – file format description
Changelog DF8_DF7_endpoints and controls
Correlation clusters for core endpoint reduction
endpoints – file format description
endpoints – file format description (same as in DF5)
endpoints – file format description
endpoints – file format description