Register data

Most of the phenotype data in FinnGen comes from the national health registers covering the entire lifespan of the study subjects. This covers data from more than 10 registers, including information on hospital and outpatient care and registers for specific diseases.

Like the other Nordic countries, Finland has kept comprehensive health registers for decades, and this allows capturing the usage of health care services for all residents over their entire lifetime. This register data can be applied for research purposes based on the Act on Secondary Use of Health and Social Data.

Finnish national registries have complete population-wide coverage: all citizens are included in these registries. All Finns have a unique personal ID number, which allows combining individual-level data from various data sources reliably and enables longitudinal data collection. 

National registries contain core clinical information, such as ICD-10 codes, drug prescription data and causes of death. The national registries most commonly used for health research include the Care Register for Health Care (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare), the Drug Reimbursement Register (Social Insurance Institution), the Social Benefits Register (Social Insurance Institution), and the Cause of Death Register (Statistics Finland). Findata is the Finnish data permit authority for the social and health care sector.

Register data in FinnGen

Register data in FinnGen include hospital, special outpatient and primary care registers, the Cancer Register, drug purchase and reimbursement registers, the Population Register and Statistics Finland. These registers capture health care data nationwide across the life course of individuals. One of the strengths is that the data is in structured format utilising, for example, ICD and ATC codes. 

The study applies for permissions to utilise the register data for research purposes from the following national registers:

  • Statistics Finland
  • Finnish Cancer Registry and Mass Screening Registry
  • Register of Primary Health Care Visits (Avohilmo)
  • Care Register for Health Care
  • Kela
  • Digital and Population Data Services Agency
  • Finnish Register of Visual Impairment
  • Care Register for Social Welfare
  • Finnish Registry for Kidney Diseases
  • Finnish National Infectious Diseases Register
  • Medical Birth Register
  • Finnish National Vaccination Register
  • Register of Congenital Malformations

More details about the health registers linked to FinnGen study subjects:

DataNumber of study subjectsNumber of entries in the registerRegisterRegister start year or time period available
Drug purchases519 000 132 618 000Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA: Medicinal products database)1995
Birthplace and emigration status519 000 519 000​Population Register (DVV)​1964
Number of offspring 519 000519 000​Population Register (DVV)​1964
Primary care specialist outpatient visits (ICD-codes)509 00040 419 000Care Register for Health Care (Hilmo)1998
Occupation507 000 6 987 000Statistics Finland 1970
In patient visits (ICD-codes)490 0007 980 000Care Register for Health Care (Hilmo)1969
Primary health care visits (ICD-codes)489 000 18 194 000​Primary Health Care outpatient visits (Avohilmo)​2011
Primary health care visit by nurse (ICPC2)485 00032 285 000​Primary Health Care outpatient visits (Avohilmo)​2011
Primary care specialist outpatient operations (Nomesco)478 00015 161 000Care Register for Health Care (Hilmo)NA
Vaccination data471 000 3 687 000​Finnish National Vaccination Register 2011
Educational level401 000
11 621 000Statistics Finland1970
In patient operations (Nomesco codes)394 0004 984 000Care Register for Health Care (Hilmo)1986
Drug reimbursements303 000 862 000Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA: reimbursements for medicine expenses)1964
Kidney disease data2800 (2778 incidence &treatment history, 2728 prevalence)2778 incidence, 24875 prevalence, 9525 treatment history​Finnish Registry for Kidney Diseases​1964
Cervical cancer screenings257 000 1 058 000The Mass Screening Registry (cervical cancer screening)1991
Data related to births225 000 mothers, 96 000 children510 000 mothers, 96 000 children​Medical Birth Register 1987
Breast cancer screenings178 0001 122 000The Mass Screening Registry (breast cancer screening)1992
Cancer diagnosis (ICD-O-3)121 000152 000Finnish Cancer Registry and Mass Screening Registry1953
Infections disease data81 000 82 000​Finnish National Infectious Disease Register 1989
Causes of death (ICD-codes)63 000 145 000Statistics Finland 1969
Congenital malformation data10 000 mothers, 2500 children13 000 mothers, 6 000 children​Register of Congenital Malformations1980
Covid-19 vaccinations10 00010 000​Finnish National Vaccination Register 2011
Visual impairment data3 5004 200​Finnish Register of Visual Impairment 1983