Results based on the full FinnGen cohort of 500,000 participants released!

Samples from biobanks

The FinnGen study will utilise samples collected by a nationwide network of Finnish biobanks. The study is based on combining genome information with digital health care data from national health registries.

Take part

Samples are needed from all over Finland in the thousands, because solutions in the field of personalized healthcare can be found only by looking at large masses. Every Finn can be a part of the FinnGen study by giving a biobank consent.

Everybody benefits

The genome data produced during the project will be owned by the Finnish biobanks, and remain available for researcher purposes. The medical breakthroughs that arise from the project will eventually benefit health care systems and patients globally.

Collaboration is the key

The collaborative nature of the FinnGen research project is exceptional compared to many other studies. The study involves all the same actors as drug development. With this open cooperation, we hope to speed up the emergence of new innovations.

Data freeze 12 results and summary statistics now available!

Results can be browsed online using the FinnGen web browser and the summary statistics downloaded
This data freeze consists of >500,000 individuals, more than 21.3 M variants and 2,500 health endpoints. To get more information about how to access the results and summary statistics, please follow this link:
Northern lights.

New accessible and engaging FinnGen communication resource available!

Scroll through the website to learn about the FinnGen project, its goals, processes and its impact in Finland and around the world.
Can you imagine what genetic diversity looks like in large populations or visualise where genes are located on chromosomes in relation to each other? We teamed up with Aalto University to produce a resource that uses data visualisation to tell the FinnGen story to a wider audience.
Screenshots from the scrollytelling website.


A study has discovered a genetic defect that affects the maturation of oocytes, leading to infertility in women. This discovery provides new insights into the genetic causes of infertility and may help develop diagnostics or new treatments for women suffering from infertility.
FinnGen, a forerunner in the global landscape of genomics projects, is delighted to welcome Bayer as its newest pharmaceutical industry partner.

FinnGen brings together the nation-wide network of Finnish biobanks.

Every Finn can be a part of the FinnGen study by giving a biobank consent.
Samples available
629 000
Samples needed by 2023: 520 000
Current data freeze
520 210
combined genotype and health registry data