
More than half a million Finns are part of FinnGen

We are extremely grateful to the more than 520,000 Finnish biobank donors who have  volunteered to share their samples to support medical research. FinnGen participants come from all over the country. The age range of the participants is broad and both sexes are well represented.

Wood anemones on white background.

Characteristics of the FinnGen participants

>520 000
Biobank sample donors
57 %
Mean age when participating

FinnGen helps to unravel the genetic mysteries that lie within our DNA

The main aim of FinnGen is to improve our understanding of disease mechanisms, and thereby provide insights that facilitate the development of better disease treatments and prevention measures. Thanks to FinnGen’s findings, the genetic makeup of Finns and the factors that predispose or protect us against disease are already very well understood. This understanding will further continue to improve over the years.

A map of Finland made up of circular dots in various shades of blue and black. Surrounding it are patterns of dots and shapes resembling chromosomes, as well as circular and curved lines.
A collage featuring: 1) a circular dot network, 2) abstract blue-purple cell imagery, 3) gradient-toned chromosome visuals, and 4) a radial genomic data chart. Themes include biology, genetics, and data visualization.

FinnGen utilises genomic and health data

Genomic data is based on DNA samples provided by Finnish biobanks while the health data comes mainly from different national registries. Within the study, all data is coded with sample identifiers and the researchers do not know who the participants are.
A visual of cascading golden lights forming a grid-like pattern, converging towards a central point, illuminated by bright light sources. (Unsplash/Joshua Sortino)

FinnGen data is stored securely

FinnGen research data is stored in a highly secure computing environment called FinnGen Sandbox that provides remote access to the data for approved researchers.
A woman with a braided hairstyle and a light blue shirt is posed with a questioning expression, her finger on her chin and a large gray question mark. (Pixabay/Tumisu)

Frequently asked questions

Please visit our frequently asked questions page for more information related to the participation.